Um, YES. To all of this. I rarely read entire newsletter posts because obviously I have a ton of important things to do, like worrying myself senseless over $$$ and not working a traditional job or writing some really important book. No, my lifelong dream is to make COMICS DAMMIT, and this post--which I devoured greedily, every last cake-like word-crumb--is right on time. Thanks Thig thanks thanks thanks. #thanksthig

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Hey thank you and yeah I skim a lot of articles for the very same reason. This is why I add so many illustrations to break it up. I’m too ADD at times.

Also I was a devout vinyasa (the full 2 hour practice) daily for a few years… then I discovered video games :D

(Kidding but I fell out of practice and haven’t gotten back into it). Also I’m about to read your milli vanilli post… I loved them as a kid, and all the scandals that went with it

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My main Yoga practice these days is sit-asana. Comes with the drawing and writing territory! Thanks for reading the Milli Vanilli post. I was expecting all sorts of commentary about them, but people seem more focused on the Menendez brothers… 🤔 🤷‍♀️

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I was fortunate enough to be rejected everywhere by everybody all the time (I think there's a multidimensional movie in that) early in life, even as I plodded along the conveyor belt that belittles doctors in training. (Kudos to the Queen in that regard.) It seems emasculation is the coin of the realm in our little section of space/time, in every endeavor. By the time I decided to be an artist, the only critic I had was me - and the only criterion for success was whether or not the last art project made me smile. That seemed to be the key: If a piece tickled me, it was likely to waggle a feather at somebody else's funny bone. Either way, it's easier to live up to the rules if you make them yourself, and adjust them to your eventual comfort zone. I'm still eating regular meals, and still drawing. I win.

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Yooouuuu really need to post a link to your art here Don. People would drop their jaws

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Dang this was a good post. Your work is great! One person (or group of persons) can't define good art. Keep up the good work!

(Also I'm pretty sure your wife is invested in your career for that sweet, sweet life insurance money. It probably has increased a lot!)

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She’s my only v.c. It’s why I don’t beg for paid posts. I’m funded by her for now. So I give my all on these posts and try to treat it as a full time job

I married the best one

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A friend got laid off from Disney recently; it's not the same house of mouse. If you ever make it out west check out the Disney family museum in the SF presidio. It's this little under the radar museum full of cool shit and a view of the Golden Gate Bridge.

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Every once in a while I get the urge to send portfolios out to different places. And then... don't, because the requirements scare me off. Especially the ones that require experience and a degree. I'm self taught, in my late 30s, no way am I going to try and go to school now, plus there's so many fundamentals to still learn before that, to get in a 'prestigous' art schoo.l

It can get very discouraging, wanting to be recognized for my art, but I've learned in the last few years to try and change the focus of why I'm even doing what I do. I've learned one thing...it's not about making money, because every time I chase that I get miserable.

But, I like the recounting of your journey, it's very thought provoking. Great reading for the time/head space I'm in right now.

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Yeah my stuff is always much more energetic if I draw it rather if I’m drawing for a paycheck (don’t get me wrong. I need that and have plans for here, too! But they’ll be fun plans here)

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Thank you for writing this!

[Side note: I have newsletter fatigue that makes me usually gloss over most newsletters. But I happened to come across your newsletter and post for the first time today and I just couldn't stop reading it and it touched on a lot that felt too relatable.]

I must say, you have been incredible to keep going despite all the rejections and keep pushing on. I keep pausing in my tracks too long each time I fail or feel rejected. On reading your post, I'm realizing that I have been placing far too much value in others' views of my work than my own views/feelings. I take rejection too hard and have a constant fear of failure that I don't even try. I'm taking inspiration from your words today and going to keep trying despite what my gatekeeper brain tells me!

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I’m flattered. Thank you for this nice message. I try to put a lot in my work and fill it up with art to help move

The story along (a wall of text is intimidating to me).

I try to keep the attitude that I need to

Just show up today and that’s what counts to me. That has helped so much in my


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Wow, thank you.

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You’re welcome. Love your comics and “zsofi” is a really, really cool name!!! 😎

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Thanks man! I’m looking forward to reading more of your stuff.

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Best title ever.

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I enjoyed reading this. I majored in English because I’d lose funding for art. No regrets but it’s been a slow roll since I started drawing again in 2016. And I feel like I’m starting to finally like some of my drawings. Long way to go, and I don’t know if I’ll ever make a career of it, but it brings me joy I cannot otherwise experience.

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Daruma this made my heart smile. Thank you!

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Great article; I really enjoyed it. I can tell you that working at DFA includes a surprising amount of being yelled at by middle management :D

I think your drawings are incredible and rhythmic and gorgeous. I’m one of the old-timers, aged out by tech, AI, and young people who’ll work for buttons. Now I draw just for me and it’s the best thing ever!

Do you have any warmup drawing practices? I’ve never tried warming up with circles or whatnot and I wonder how much it would help.

Until next time!

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First. Thank you.

As for warm ups. Yep, I draw steam of conscience for 20-30 minutes and then I try to get in a space where I can draw without distractions but man the internet is a bitch to fight against

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Thanks so much for taking the time to share this! I was moved by the honesty and insight of your words. I really appreciate it. It is such fresh air to read you in depth! This corner of the internet is truly inspiring and human :)

I also felt my brain was my gatekeeper in my science career and when I let it go, my scientific publications started to rise and I decided that I needed more time to be myself and DRAW more! Thanks again!

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Sonia thank you so much for this and this meant the world to me

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Sharing a genesis story is paying it forward. Far too few people do this. It’s like we’re just supposed to understand that it’s the norm to go from student to entry level job to studio head.

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Ha … noooo. Hell sometimes I’d take an entry level job at 51 just to pay the bills.

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One of my fave examples is: Evan Shapiro.

He dropped out of Amherst in 1988. By the time we pick up his resume list, it’s 1994 and he’s Head of Marketing. We see his progression to running Sundance TV and EVP at NBC. Today, among other things, he teaches at NYU and Fordham.

All of this 0 -> ∞ is awesome.

It’s that six year gap that’s the real story. Those six years are how he came to sling webs. Knowing how to pilot a ship from Krypton to Earth as a baby is how the people that matter to us learn to go faster than a locomotive.

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Here’s how to get an instant subscribe. Wow. (Also I fail so hard at backstories. Something I’m working on to make my characters less one dimensional). Thank you for this

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I write a substack for no money and remove people who don't read it often enough just because I love to spew the things I get to spew.

P.S. my son's dream job is to do what you do.

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Uncharles, the industry is rapidly changing but we will need new story tellers, new artists and new designers. If I could have gone back in time and told little me some nuggets of wisdom I’d tell him “create great stories that make you smile and light up your insides” (the rest is just skills work)

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he writes stories every night. :) When he grows up, I'll have him call you.

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If i could do something, it would be going to film school. i have a lifetime of stories (some of them good). I need to be able to tell them better.

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This was such a fabulous read, Thig. Thank you for the motivation and encouragement. Your art is fabulous, and your writing voice is captivating. Love it!

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Michele thank you. IG was brutally awful for me because I think I need long form to go with my illustrations as it works in tandem. Doing this newsletter is the first time I’ve ever felt this proud of my work (writing and drawing) and I hope to try to keep a consistent weekly schedule, draw fresh art (and some old) and do the thing I want the most which is connect with good souls such as yourself

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I enjoyed reading about your art journey, and you're so right: "Your art matters, and it matters to the most important person on earth, you."

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Easy to get wrapped up in what some rando thinks. I do this all the time

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Man this was good! The part where you talk about getting rejected from DC.. Gawd.. I felt for ya. getting laughed at like that is like getting shot with rock salt. Glad you were able to get back to it. This article inspired me enough where Not only did I restack this but I decided to post a fresh figure drawing sketch I did this morning. Looking forward to more articles!

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Awww thank you Barhan. I really appreciate it

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You are living proof of “never give up”

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Thank you 🙏 🫀

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