Sep 12Liked by Thig

I enjoyed reading your piece! Your blend of humour and insight made it a great read. I especially liked how you shared your thoughts on bulldogs and the exaggerated "alpha dog" persona some people associate with them. Your message about responsible pet ownership hit home for me, and how you presented it with such wit was so refreshing!

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well I don't want to shame anyone for owning purebreds. I LOVE them and watch the Westminster Dog Show every thanksgiving...and I love guessing breeds of dogs when out (Rhodesian Ridgeback, Borjios, Basenjis... man it's fun to see them). I just know for me my time with pugs was hard, so many problems and so badly bread. My rescue has her share of skin problems but WAY less heart ache than my pugs.

I fault no one for owning purebreeds, in fact when Tess crosses the rainbow bridge (hopefully in a million years), I would adopt a rescue Greyhound (my favorite breed).

Also, thank you Jon, that means a lot that you read it, laughed and got some insight :)

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Hey - I saw that penis cloud! Great pup drawings.

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bahahaa ::eggplant emoji::

I did enjoy drawing these dogs... generally in the past I've always struggled with drawing their jowls but I feel like I got it in these.

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This was a laugh out loud post. My daughter is a responsible dog owner of an English Bulldog and HE is the most lovable farting wiggle wiggle guy. Love the illustrations also.

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Well thank you! Don’t get me wrong I LOVE bulldogs and bostons and pugs. But ugh the upkeep and tlc they need. They are DEFINITELY not alpha bro representations… or ARE they :)

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Rescue dawgs FTW. (TESS! 😍)And yeah, the "fuck your feelings" crowd, sure do have a lot of feelings about pronouns. πŸ™„

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also I laugh everytime I see your name "Karen McCool" <--this is, by far, the coolest name ever.

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I always said I would NEVER change my last name if I got married. Fuck the patriarchy. Then I married a guy whose last name was McCool. I mean ... the universe was like ... yeah, what's that you said now? 🀣

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omg wait, your last name is REALLY McCool??? Holy shit, that's even more betterer!!! And yes, fuck the systemic patriarchy that's just a ball of shit and always has been. I have no problem (as a patriarchal human) calling that shit out...also me and my wife kept our last names.

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Yep. Irish. It would have been a crime not to change it. (Or that's what i tell myself) 😁

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Most triggered people I’ve ever met

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I legit lol'ed at "prrrp". Great read

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Thank you! Hearing that people laughed is the best! Now I gotta make room to read your shark cat novel!

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Ha! Thanks. If you're a fan of zombified predators, I hope it brings you joy :)

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I am!

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Ah yes, this all reminds me of the Big Dog brand, which is somehow still around and more cringe than before.

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Bahaha that’s the brand with the St Bernard right? Yet another pure bred with a short life span and overheats for people who live in the south have to have one.

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